Student Election Judge Program

Baltimore Votes is thrilled to be working with the Baltimore City Board of Elections and schools across the city to recruit, train, and prepare students to serve as election judges during the primary and general elections!

Not a student? Check out our general page for Election Judges

Who can sign up for the Student Election Judge Program?

To sign up for the Student Election Judge Program you must be:

  • Registered to vote in Maryland by election day (Remember, 16 and 17-year-olds can also register! They just can’t vote yet.)

  • Enrolled as a student at a high school or college in Baltimore City

What am I signing up for?

Election judges, also known as poll workers, are a vital part of in-person voting. These paid volunteers check in voters, assist voters with disabilities use accessible ballot marking devices, hand out “I Voted” stickers, and do many other important jobs to make sure that polling places run smoothly.

What’s the time commitment?

  • On Election Day, polls are open from 7am-8pm, plus about an hour before and after for set up and clean up. It’s a long day, but also a great chance to get to know your neighbors and make a difference in your community.

  • You also need to complete a 3.5-hour long training

I work at a school. How can I get my students involved?

We invite you to: 1.) Share this website with students; 2.) Share this informational flyer; and 3.) Request a presentation by the Baltimore Votes Student Advisory Board team.

Please reach out to We’d love to chat about getting your school signed up as an official partner!

Ready to get involved? Sign up below to be notified about serving in November.!

Students who are at least 16 years of age by election day and are registered (or pre-registered) to vote in Maryland are encouraged to serve as Election Judges in Baltimore City! To be contacted as registration opens or submit questions, please complete the form below. To learn more about how to register or pre-register to vote, visit the Maryland State Voter Information page. Students will be trained by Baltimore City to serve as Election Judges for the 2024 primary and general elections. Students will also receive compensation ($300 per election!) and civic engagement participation hours!